♥ Ramadhan Al-Mubarak
Friday 19 June 2015 | 0 comments

Selamat Berpuasa kepada semua umat Islam di seluruh dunia ! Semoga Ramadhan kali ini ibadah kita semua diterima oleh Allah SWT . Aminn

AIN / 05:59

♥ Silent Mind
Thursday 30 April 2015 | 0 comments

                                                       "The memory is worth , so am I"

AIN / 10:11

♥ Passing By


                       "Hurt yourself by forgetting him , curse your memory while miss him "

Iffah is right .

Thank You

AIN / 09:49

♥ Family trip to Cherating
Tuesday 16 December 2014 | 0 comments

Hello ! Wassup ? Cmne holiday ? Hehehe . Okay let's start . Well as we know . Sekarang adalh musim cuti sklh . Bgi yg dh berkeluarga or dh kahwin mesti akan rancang percutian mereka kan ? Sama ada di dalam negara atau keluar ... Pernah dgr psl legend hotel ? X pernah ? Alololo sian . Legend Hotel tu mcm agent perlancongan . Kita boleh pergi mana2 je dlm asia nih for free .. cuma kita kene bayar Rm15k for the rest of your life . Sikit je tu . Bukan for a month or a year . But sekali seumur hidup . Boleh bayar ansur2 . Kita akan dpt hotel free dlm asian nih but hanya 7 hari seminggu je . Okay la tu . Cuti lama2 pon nk buat apa ? Eh2 .. aku nih dh mcm agent perlancongan pulak hohoho . ada bakat en ? lol . aku nk citer psl holiday aku . Actually nk pergi bangkok but disebabkn masa yg sgt dengki dgn holiday aku . Aku x dpt pergi . warghh *nangis* Aku hanya mampu pergi cherating (pahang sempadan terangganu) . But it's okey . Best jugak holiday kt sana . Pantai cntik . But service die not so good . Cause aku order troli sbb nk angkut barang aku . Dah sejam x smpai2 . Then aku call kali kedua . Baru smpai . Ish . Perjalanan dri KL ke Cherating tu about 3 jam jugak la . But aku tido je dlm kete . bukan aku yg bwk hehehe . Dh bnyk kali dh pergi cherating . About kali ke 3 . Hmm dunno why my mom suka sgt kt situ . Ape2 pon alhamdullilah lah boleh pergi mana2 dri xde . ye dok? hehehe tu je la . Comment2 :D

AIN / 21:40

♥ My 50 random question & answer
Monday 15 December 2014 | 0 comments

1.What is your best friend’s name?
Nisha , iffah , eiqa n syib . But bugimax is the best lol
2. Who would you throw into the Bermuda Triangle?
Eiqa haha
3. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
4. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels?
Ofcoz . Its free n everyone do that . isn't ?
5. Have you ever stolen a street sign?
What for ? no hahaha
6. Do you always smile for pictures?
7. Do you ever dance even if there is no music playing?
Yes , even in public 
8. How many people have you slept with this week?
My cat . Hahahaha wadahel
9. What is your song of the week?
Infinite - Back
10. Do you still watch cartoons?
Not really .
11. Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
In my mind hahaha
12. Heels or flats?
Flats . well Im not that "gedik-gedik" girl
13. What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
Korean drama . Too many
14. Last person you kissed?
My brother . cheek
15. Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
No no no
16. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
This year . To my teacher
17. Can you change the oil on a car?
18. Are you dating?
No. I don't want to
19. Describe your ideal proposal?
Hmm.. buy me a lot of pizza . Lamar aku dlm kedai pizza hut . Ia sgt mengenyangkan ~
20. Are you lazy?
Yes. xD
21. How many languages can you speak?
22. Are you stubborn?
23. Ever watch soap operas?
24. Nicknames
Ain , Datin
25. Ever used a gun?
Yeah . Feels great
26. How old were you when you had your first kiss?
The day I was born . wkwkwkw
27. What color was the last bra you bought?
Wadahell hahahaha
28. Does anyone know the password to your email address?
Yeah . I guess
29. Do you want any tattoos?
No . never . cant
30. Any strange habits?
Susah tido malam .
31. What is the worst abuse to ur phone ?
Masuk air n kene baling kt lantain / dinding . Ganas gila aku hahah
32. What ever happened with you and your first gf/bf?
X yah citer ah hahaha
33. How old do you think you will be when you have your first child?
Maybe , ... 25
34. Are you a risk taker?
I dont take a risk .
35. What happened the last time you cried?
36. Honestly, are things going the way you planned?
Not really .
37. What’s your worst habit?
Jawapan macam num 30.
38. What’s your favorite thing about your gf/bf/crush?
His attitude
39. Have you ever bitten your toes nails?
40. Do you have any strange phobias?
41. Do you miss anyone right now?
Yes. My cat !
42. Who are you in love with?
Kimi . But i dunno if he love me too
43. What do you want to know about the future?
The way I die n when
44. Have you already planned your wedding?
Ain't got no time for that 
45. Do people ever take you seriously?
Maybe they do
46. Why do you have a blog?
I can express my feeling , my life , my story .
47. How old are you?
15 y/o
48. What is the one thing you’ll never do again?
Layan orng yg x matang mcm haziq . Such a waste of time . Hate it
49. If you were the opposite gender. What name would you like to have?
Ammar Amsyar
50. Which celebrity would you change lives with?
Jimin - AoA

AIN / 13:07

♥ Stranger With Memory
Tuesday 25 November 2014 | 0 comments

I didn't know this will be happened ,
Too fast , I cant act wisely,
Might late to say this , but..
I should treat you better ,
I should tied my anger ,
I should know you deeper,
I should make you happy,
At least once,
Soon or later you will be history ,
Last but not end , I will miss you ,
May the happiness be with you ,
Stay healthy brother ,
This is not a goodbye from me ,
It just , a new hope for tomorrow ,
So that you can see our smiles again ,
I hope , we hope you will be fine ,
Just like you used to be . 

AIN / 00:42

♥ Memory Ever Last
Tuesday 18 November 2014 | 0 comments

3 Bijaksana . Even banyak masalah , we still as one group . Banyak memori manis n pahit . Iffah Nabilah binti Azrin Shah . My crazy , annoying bestie friend . The crazies girl ever born . Bnyk bende bodoh kiteorng buat dua orng . Buat vid bodoh . Bergadoh cm budak2 kat depan orng ramai . Silly Milly . Hahaha . NurSyafiqah Nadiah binti Napi . Pompuan paling ganas dlm dunia . Sering dipanggil harimau or E.T.N.S (Eiqa Tangan Neraka Sundal) . Hahaha . NorDanisha binti Rozi . Seorang yg comel tpi annoying nk mampos . Tapi annoying die tu la buat aku lama kwn ngan die . Hohoho . Jamal , my fav boy . Annoying jugak tpi paling teruk ah . Lagi lahanat dri Danisha . LOL . Seorng yg senang badmood tpi mempunyai senyuman yg menawan. Die kalau dh syg kt seseorng tu mmg susah nk lepaskn . Nur Syibrah Aqilah binti Shahrul Juzairi, my lovely scandal , my life , my sister n my everything . Aku dh kawan ngan die about 7 years. Dh lama right ? hahaha . Tahun ni bnyk sgt memory indah n pahit . But we still together . Tahun depan semua dh bnyk pindah . Mesti dh x jumpe . hmm sokay lah ..

AIN / 22:24